Hand blast cabinets come in many sizes and configurations but basically there are two principals involved; Suction Blast and Pressure Blast.
Suction blast involves the use of a venturi in the blast gun arrangement to “suck” abrasive from the sump of the blast cabinet. The weight of the media being drawn up the hose to the gun will slow down the air speed of the media as it leaves the gun thereby reducing the energy of the media as it impacts the surface.
Pressure blast utilises a pressure pot to allow the abrasive to flow into an air stream allowing the media to be propelled at a much higher speed creating more energy on the surface. This means that pressure blast is quicker in blast times than suction blast (typically 3 times faster at similar air input pressures). Pressure blasting is also more aggressive but can be controlled by reducing air pressure. Alternatively, suction blast is limited in the energy it is able to transfer to the surface. If coatings are to be removed or a heavy etch to be imparted then pressure blasting should be the choice. If the work required is cosmetic or intermittent then suction blast may be sufficient.
Doug Booth’s have numerous examples of both types in stock including multiple nozzle machines for higher production requirements.
Blastrooms are for larger workpieces where an operator requires access around the workpiece working inside the blast chamber. Doug Booth’s have refurbished blast room available in stock but if something of a different size or configuration is required we can provide new build to meet any specifciation